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UKirk SMU's is made possible by generous supporters like you! We invite you to pray with and for our students and our ministry, and we hope you'll also consider supporting UKirk in the following ways:

Make a financial contribution- We are so grateful for your generosity! Click here to make a donation.

Put us in touch with a current SMU student- Know someone who is currently studying at SMU who might like to be connected to UKirk? Fill out this referral form so that we can get connected!

Cook a meal for our students- We eat together every week after worship and love home-cooked meals. Sign up here to cook and enjoy fellowship!

Host an event- Do you have space to entertain? We typically host our Christmas and end of the year parties off-campus in supporters' homes. Email Margo if you are interested in hosting UKirk in your home.

Serve on the UKirk SMU Board of Directors- A new class of board members is invited every spring. Email Nelis Potgieter, Board Co-President, if you are feeling called to serve on our board.

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